Hair Loss? It could be Telogen Effluvium - Symptoms You Should Know!

I’ve struggled with hair loss in the past, and maybe you have too! First off, know that there is likely a reason and there can be a solution for healthy hair! That’s why I initially set out to create CityGRL Haircare, to solve my own problem after weight-loss surgery and losing 200 pounds, mix in babies, post-partum hair loss, and now Covid Hair loss … there are multiple stressors that cause your normal hair cycle to change but part of finding the solution is knowing it has a name, Telogen Effluvium ( I dare you to say that 5 times ;)) and you’re not alone. So let me share a bit more about what I’ve found in my journey and hopefully, it helps you, too!

XXX - Jen

What is Telogen Effluvium?

“All stressors, whether emotional or physical, can cause hair loss. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium,” Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand, MD, a double-board certified dermatologist and ambassador for Viviscal, tells WebMD Connect to Care. “The good news is the hair will come back once the stressor is resolved.”

Luckily, telogen effluvium is usually a temporary condition and will resolve on its own. According to Harvard Health Publishing at Harvard Medical School, “Telogen effluvium usually resolves completely without any treatment over several months. The normal duration of telogen is approximately 100 days (3 to 6 months) after which period the hair starts growing again.” 

Telogen Effluvium Signs and Symptoms

The most obvious symptom of telogen effluvium is the loss of hair. 

“On average, it is normal to lose approximately 100 hairs daily. When you have a stressful event, you will see a sudden increase in the shedding approximately three to four months after the event.” Houshmand says.

If you are experiencing telogen effluvium, you’ll notice a considerable loss in the volume of your hair. According to a 2019 article published by Harvard Health Publishing, “If you have telogen effluvium, you may lose an average of 300 hairs a day instead of 100.”

Additional symptoms of telogen effluvium include itching and tenderness on the scalp. According to the British Association of Dermatologists, “Usually there are no symptoms, but occasionally, telogen effluvium can be accompanied by tenderness and altered sensations in the scalp, known as trichodynia.” It is also possible to experience low self esteem during hair loss, which can be an emotional and psychological side effect. 

A few things to be mindful of when experiencing telogen effluvium are:

  • Hair is more fragile when it is wet, so be gentle when washing and drying.

  • Hairstyles such as tight ponytails and braids can pull on hair follicles and cause more hair to fall out.

  • Scratching your scalp can irritate hair follicles and prompt more strands of hair to be released.

  • The quality of your products and ingredients DO matter. Be sure to check labels, and talk to your hairstylist about what your hair needs.

A person is described as having chronic telogen effluvium if they frequently experience periods of hair shedding for more than 6 months. Telogen effluvium is generally reversible.

A person with this condition does not lose all their hair, although it may become noticeably thin. It occurs more often trusted Source in women and is usually triggered by a disturbance to the hair cycle.

The hair cycle typically has three phases:

  1. Anagen or growth phase.

  2. Catagen or transitional phase.

  3. Telogen or resting phase.

Telogen effluvium is associated with the telogen phase. Normally, 5 to 10 percent of a person’s hair is in the telogen phase at any one time.

With telogen effluvium, the anagen phase slows down, meaning that fewer hairs enter the next two stages. With this condition, around 30 percent of hair follicles move into the telogen phase, which means that hair shedding occurs.

“Is my scalp and hair healthy?” You might be thinking this is related to your hair loss and this is an amazing question and one that we just don't get as often as we would like. Most of us, will sort of try to get into it, but as a client, you have to be open to suggestions." On a scale of 1 to 5, have your stylist rate your hair and scalp," suggests Dana Caschetta, a New York-based stylist. "This gives your stylist a comfortable way to broach the subject of hair health with you, a topic that may not be something you want to hear, but rather something you need to hear. Your stylist can also recommend treatments and products to help get your hair back in shape if it's in poor condition.


With telogen effluvium, it is common for hair to grow back within 3 to 6 monthsTrusted Source after the cause has been dealt with. Sometimes, the rate of shedding slows down but does not stop entirely. In most cases, no more than 50 percent of the hair is lost.

Telogen effluvium is a common cause of temporary hair loss. It is characterized by an abrupt onset of hair shedding usually seen several months after a triggering event.It usually lasts for around 6 monthsTrusted Source, except for cases of chronic telogen effluvium, which last longer. No specific treatment exists, but lifestyle and dietary changes can be effective in beginning hair regrowth.

I always recommend using professional products that are purchased from your stylist to insure these items are what they say they are.

Your hairstylist isn't just trying to sell you products, they are trying to help you maintain your look until your next appointment. We would hate for you to love your hair the day you get it done and then not be able to manage it once you leave the chair. Plus, some hair needs to be put on a particular regimen for several weeks to see improvement, like strengthening and rebuilding breakage and split ends. Being specific with an at-home regimen can make all the difference."

If you’re stuck looking for solutions and would like my help, reach out and I can recommend a haircare regimen to break the cycle of hair loss while adding the shine and confidence back to your look. It doesn't have to be a complete overhaul, sometimes it’s just adding one-or-two products to build moisture, strength, or protect your hair from heat. I’ve been there, too and I’m here to help!






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